ONGC Assam Results 2019

ONGC, Assam has declared the results of the recruitment to the 308 Non-Executives Class-III & Class-IV posts against Advt. No: 01/2019 (R&P) (For ).ONGC Assam shortlisted as per merit based on declaration by the candidates and performance in the CBT conducted from 14.06.2019 to 19.06.2019 & 28.09.2019.
ONGC Assam Results 2019-Class-III & Class-IV Non-Executive 308 Posts
The final merit list may change on the basis of actual verification of documents and performance in skill test.
The number of candidates shortlisted have been kept higher than the notified vacancies so that a panel of waiting list can be prepared to meet the eventualities of disqualification in document verification/skill test or non-joining of the selected candidates.
Guidelines for uploading the documents:
1. You are required to upload the documents as per the advertisement and your declaration in registration slip.
2. The candidates not possessing Domicile Certificate can upload their PRC Certificate in place of Domicile as a proof of resident of State of Assam. The departmental candidates may upload their ONGC ID card in place of Domicile/PRC.
3. Candidates who have been shortlisted in multiple posts should upload the relevant documents for all the posts in one go. The document uploading process is designed on the basis of registration number. The documents can’t be uploaded post wise. Therefore, the relevant documents for all the posts for which a particular candidate has been shortlisted need to be uploaded under one registration number.
4. Each document should be in PDF format with not more than 1MB size.
5. Scanned documents should be clear and display each and every portion of the original document. Nothings should be kept hidden. Please note you must possess all original documents and the same can be asked to produce any time.
6. Please keep ready all documents for uploading as the uploading of documents is to be done in single phase. Please further note that you will not be allowed to change or upload your documents second time.
7. Your eligibility to the post and assessment of marks for academic performance will be done on the basis of uploaded documents. Thus upload all requisite documents. You will not be considered for Skill Test (If applicable to the applied post) in case your documents are either incomplete or not meeting with the eligibility criteria.
8. If you think that additional documents are required to be uploaded than the same can be done in the option given (Any other document). Documents other than uploading mode like though post, Email etc. will not be considered against the selection process.
Important Dates:
- Commencement of on-line document upload: 22/11/2019 (09.00 AM)
- Closure of on-line document upload: 02/12/2019 (11.59 PM)
- For Check Your Results: Click Here
- Document Uploading Links : Click Here